Teraloop team

欧盟资助Teraloop 240万欧元

The EU will support Finnish cutting-edge energy storage system developer Teraloop with €2.4 million to spend on the deployment of an industrial pilot for the company’s innovative technology.欧盟将支持芬兰尖端能源存储系统开发商Teraloop 240万欧元,用于支持该公司用于技术创新的一个工业试验项目。

这笔资金将来自Horizon 2020 中小型企业加速器计划,该计划共收到来自43个国家的2,148份申请。

Now with the help of the EU grant, the pilot flywheel energy storage device will be sooner configured for the power management needs of energy-intensive industrial consumers. This will help Teraloop’s customers to increase the sustainability of their processes, while enabling cost savings through load management, and revenue generation through participation in regulated energy markets.现在,在欧盟拨款的帮助下,这个试验性的飞轮储能装置将更快地被适用于能源密集型工业消费者的电力管理需求。 这将有助于Teraloop的客户提高流程的可持续性,同时通过负载管理实现成本节约,并通过参与能源市场调节而实现创收。

Teraloop team. Teraloop 团队。

关于 Teraloop

Teraloop Ltd, based in Helsinki, Finland, develops breakthrough technology for large-scale kinetic energy storage used in grid and utility applications. Founded in 2014, Teraloop is one of 10 Yaskawa venture investment companies. Yaskawa Electric Corporation completed a strategic investment in Teraloop during March 2017, enabling the company to accelerate the steps needed to bring its storage solution to the market.总部位于芬兰赫尔辛基的Teraloop有限公司,致力于开发突破性技术,应用于电网和发电厂应用的大规模动能存储。 Teraloop成立于2014年,是安川电机风投资金投资的10家公司之一。 安川电机集团于2017年3月完成了对Teraloop的战略投资,使该公司能够加速其储能解决方案推向市场的进程。


图片来源: Teraloop公司